Skill/Strength: EMOM x 10
Even 5 deadlifts at 70%
Odd :45 second plank hold
5 min AMRAP
100m run
20 lateral jumps
Rest :90
5 min AMRAP
250m row
30 DUs
Rest :90
5 min AMRAP
400m bike
40 mountain climbers
Skill/Strength: EMOM x 10
Even 5 deadlifts at 70%
Odd :45 second plank hold
5 min AMRAP
100m run
20 lateral jumps
Rest :90
5 min AMRAP
250m row
30 DUs
Rest :90
5 min AMRAP
400m bike
40 mountain climbers
Skill/Strength: 3 rounds 10 KB around the worlds 10 goblet squats and
10 ring dips
WOD: "Jennifer"
Canadian 1st Class Constable Jennifer Kovach of Guelph, Canada, died March 14, 2013, when her squad car was involved in a motor-vehicle accident while she was responding to a call for service. The 26-year-old fulfilled her dream of becoming a police officer serving her community and the Guelph Police Service for four years before her death. Kovach is survived by her mother, Gloria; father, Bill; brother, Brian; grandparents, Chester and Elvira Janicki; boyfriend, Kyle Schlosser; and many other friends and family.
26 min AMRAP
10 pull ups
15 KBS (53/35)
20 box jumps (24/20)
Skill/Strength: EMOM for 10 mins complete 1 push press and 2 jerks
WOD: Every 3 mins x 6 rounds
200m run
mins 1/3/5 8 power cleans (95/65)
mins 2/4/6 8 thrusters
Skill/Strength: 4 rounds of suicide squats (6 front squats into 12
backsquats) @70% of front squat
WOD: 15 min AMRAP
5 burpees
10 hand stand push ups
20 pistols (alternating)
Strength/Skill: 10-15 mins to work to a heavy snatch plus OHS
400m run
40 backsquats (95/65)
40 DUs
400m run
30 power cleans
30 DUs
400m run
20 power snatches
20 DUs
Skill/Strength: 15-20 mins to work to a heavy deadlift + full clean +
power clean
WOD: 16 min Partner AMRAP
A: Run 200m
B: 5 T2B (scale down to knee ups, scale up to MUs)
10 air squats
15 mountain climbers
*keep switching off for 16 mins
Skill/Strength: 5 TGUs each hand and 15 GHD sit ups
WOD: 10 min AMRAP
power snatch (45/35)
hang power snatch
*empty bar so move FAST and go hard
Skill/Strength: 3 rounds of 20 DB hang cleans with a 60 second front
rack hold
3 rounds
20 wallballs
20 KBS
Rest 2 mins
3 rounds
25/20 cal bike/row
15 squat cleans (95/65)
Strength/Skill: 3 rounds of 10 banded step ups each leg and 10 SDHP
WOD: Cindy Full of Grace
3 rounds:
3 rounds of Cindy (5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats)
10 clean and jerks (135/95)
Skill/Strength: 5 rounds of 15 push presses into 10 bent over rows
WOD: 50-40-30-20-10
200m runs
*you will end with a 200m run!