Skill/Strength: 3 rounds of 10 rings dips and 20 floor wipers
WOD: 20 mins
10 KBS (53/35)
200m run
30 DUs
200m run
*steady fast pace on this one
Skill/Strength: 3 rounds of 10 rings dips and 20 floor wipers
WOD: 20 mins
10 KBS (53/35)
200m run
30 DUs
200m run
*steady fast pace on this one
Skill/Strength: Deadlifts 5--5-3-3-1-1
WOD: 3 rounds
1 min sit ups
1 min lunges
1 min hand release push ups
1 min rest
Skill/Strength: 15 mins to work to a heavy clean and jerk
20 HPC (135/95)
10 T2B
20 back squats
10 pull ups
Run 200m
Skill/Strength: 3 rounds of 100m farmer carry (right arm out left arm
back) straight into :30 plank hold (add weight if you can)
Run 200m between on the (-)
Skill/Strength: 3-3-3-3-3-3 Front Squats increase weight to 3 rep max
WOD: EMOM x 12
1 - 15 slam balls (30/20)
2 - 15 wallballs (20/14)
3- Max DB snatches (50/35)
4 - rest
Floor Press
Set 1: 12 reps with 2 second decent
Set 2: 10 reps with 2 second decent
Set 2: 8 reps with 2 second decent
Set 4: 6 reps with 2 second decent
Set 5: Max reps at last set weight
WOD: 15 min AMRAP
10 push ups
20 KBS (53/35)
30 air squats
40 DUs
Skill/Strength: EMOM x 12 Even 5 push jerks Odd 5-8 strict pull ups
WOD: Every 3:00 x 5
5 burpees over the bar
4 power snatches (135/95)
5 burpees over the bar
4 front squats
5 burpees over the bar
4 power cleans
Skill/Strength: EMOM x 9 mins barbell bicep curls, skull crushers and
hollow flutter kicks
WOD: 3 rounds
1 min DUs
1 min bike
1 min mountain climbers
1 min row
:30 seconds between each exercise
Strength/Skill: 3 rounds of Down and back single arm walking OH lunges and 5 devil presses each arm
500m row
50 deadlifts
50 sit ups
50 box jump overs
500m row
Strength/Skill: 5 x 3 back squats
200m run
21 power cleans (155/105)
200m run
9 squat cleans