Strength: Shoulder Press as on app main sets 5-3-1+
Complete 5x10 DB pull overs
WOD: EMOM x 12 mins
4 deadlifts (135/95)
3 hang power cleans
2 shoulder to overhead
1 thruster
Strength: Shoulder Press as on app main sets 5-3-1+
Complete 5x10 DB pull overs
WOD: EMOM x 12 mins
4 deadlifts (135/95)
3 hang power cleans
2 shoulder to overhead
1 thruster
Strength: Deadlifts as on app main sets 5-3-1+
complete 5x10 partner leg throws
WOD: 15 min AMRAP
Row 20/15 calories or (15/10 bike)
10 pull ups
10 box jump overs (24/20)
Strength: 15 mins to work on form/technique for a heavy OHS
OHS (95/65)
Run 400m
Push Ups
Front Squats
Strength: Bench Press (as on app) main sets are 5-3-1+
Complete 5x10 bent over rows between sets
World Down Syndrome Day WOD
11 min AMRAP
3 clean and jerks (135/95)
21 air squats
47 double unders
People with DS have an extra chromosome which is on their 21st chromosome. So 3 (3 clean and jerks) on the 21st chromosome
(21 air squats) and we have 2 pairs of 23 chromosomes which
would be 46 but if you have DS you have 47 (47 double unders).
Back Squats as on app
Main sets 5-3-1+ today
5 sets of 10 stiff leg RDLs between sets
WOD: 3 mins for 3rounds
Row 250m
Run 200m
Then max lateral jumps
Rest 1 min
*score is total lateral jumps
Shoulder Press (week 2 of this cycle)
3-3-3+ main sets (70-80-90%)
15 band lat pull downs
St.Patrick's Shamrock Shuffle WOD!
Strength: As on your app...
3-3-3+ main sets (70-80-90%)
5x10 GHD Sit ups
3 rounds
20 air squats
20 push ups
20 sit-ups
10 pull-up
Strength: 15 min to establish a heavy clean and jerk and use it as
base for WOD below
10 clean and jerks (135/95 or 65% of above)
Row 12/10 calories or bike 10/8
8 clean and jerks (155/105 or 75% of above)
Row 12/10 calories or bike 10/8
6 clean and jerks (185/135 or 85% of above)
Row 12/10 calories or bike 10/8
Bench Press : as on your app week 2 of this cycle
3-3-3+ main reps
5x10 bent over DB rows
500m row
Hang Power Cleans (95/65)
Burpees over the bar
Push Press
Back Squats (week 2 of this cycle)
3-3-3+ main sets at 70-80-90%
5x10 stiff leg DB deadlifts between sets
WOD: 10 min AMRAP
Box Jumps (24/20)
30 DUs