Athlete Profile

Meet member Melissa!


Name: Melissa Austin

Age: 25

Occupation: Kitchen and bath designer. Former beer connoisseur but paleo killed that real quick. (That’s what happens when you win a healthy eating challenge!)

Previous workout/exercise history before starting CrossFit? I was an athlete growing up, gymnastics, volleyball, track blah blah blah. Lived on an elliptical machine in college, YMCA…that kind of crap. (That gymnastics background has a definite plus and why you have become such a badass!)

CrossFitting Since: August 2013

How did you learn about CrossFit Sting? The magic of google. It was in between my house and work, plus it wasn’t a million dollars a month. I’m young and broke, what can I say. Where is my rich doctor!?

Was it love at first WOD? DEFINITELY. I was sore for like…3 weeks straight. Could barely sit down to pee and I didn’t even care. (Have you realized the soreness doesn’t really end, it’s just not as bad.  Constantly varied movements makes it not boring and keeps you always working different muscle groups.)

Favorite WOD or movements? Anything gymnastics related. Shocker, I know. HSPU, T2B, K2E, ring work [I’m coming for you, muscle up]. (No doubt that you will get that MU and you are the queen of the handstand push-ups.)

Least favorite WOD or Movements? Rowing, running, OHS, snatches, rowing, running….I mentioned rowing, right?

Favorite CrossFit Sting moment? Describe your experience here. Winning the HEC challenge was awesome. I also enjoyed competing in the garage games and festivus competitions, it brought back my competitive nature. As much as I do these workouts for myself, I’m secretly watching Jess in the corner of my eye thinking “ok, I need to push myself and beat her” haha! I love everything about Sting. I’ve met so many amazing people, everyone is so encouraging and pushes you to be a better you. (As you can see above Melissa only started CrossFit in August.   She competed in her first competition in December and came in third place.  Her next competition was April and she came in third.  She is a hard worker, rarely misses a workout and always gives it her all!) 

Why do you CrossFit? Pretty much the typical answer…to be healthy, strong, and look good nekked. Crossfit has become such a release for me, after a long day at work it’s a great way to get rid of stress. I love the fact that every day is different, it keeps it from getting boring. Everytime I get a PR, finally get a movement that I’ve been working on….it’s such an amazing feeling. Definitely didn’t get this kind of satisfaction at the YMCA!

Tell us something new about you that we don’t already know? I’m a twin. A lot of y’all know that from the competition she came to…there were a lot of confused faces haha