Skill/Strength: 20-10-5 Back Squat
WOD: 15 min AMRAP
10 DB cleans (40/30)
10 renegade rows
10 one arm OH lunges
Skill/Strength: 20-10-5 Back Squat
WOD: 15 min AMRAP
10 DB cleans (40/30)
10 renegade rows
10 one arm OH lunges
Strength/Skill: 3-3-3-3-3 front squats at 80%
WOD: 15 min AMRAP
Run 100m
20 sit-ups
10 burpee box jump overs
20 walking lunges
Strength/Skill: 1RM Push Press
WOD: 12 min AMRAP
15 foot handstand walk (scaled 5 inch worms)
Run 100m
10 ring dips
20 DUs
Strength/Skill: 10 KB strict presses and 30 v-ups for 3 rounds
WOD: 4 min AMRAP
20 KBS
20 DUs
Rest 2 mins
4 min AMRAP
5 squat snatches (115/75)
10 DB step ups (30/20)
Strength/Skill: 5×5 clean and jerks
WOD: Halloween 20 AMRAP
Draw exercises from pumpkin and complete for 20 mins
Strength/Skill: 1 RM hang power snatch
WOD: 10 min AMRAP
3 lateral jumps
3 plate sit to stand (15#)
3 hang cleans (125/85)
Strength/Skill: 3 rounds of 10 strict pull-ups and 20 back extensions
WOD: Incredible Hulk
20 min AMRAP
5 deadlifts
5 hang power cleans
5 front squats
5 push presses
5 back squats
Strength/Skill: 5 x 10 Push Presses
WOD: 20 min partner AMRAP
Alternate rounds one work and one rest of:
Calorie Row (8/5)
10 Lateral Jumps
20 DUs
Strength/Skill: 5 x 5 push jerks
WOD: 15 min AMRAP
20 box step overs
25 sit ups
20 jump squats
Strength/Skill: Gymnastics work (rings, pull ups, T2B, etc)
WOD: “Macho Man”
EMOTM as long as possible (up to 20 mins)
3 cleans (185/135)
3 front squats
3 jerks