Strength/Skill: 5-4-3-2-1 Front Squats
WOD: 15 min AMRAP
Run 100m backwards
10 T2B
Run 100m
10 HRPUs
Strength/Skill: 5-4-3-2-1 Front Squats
WOD: 15 min AMRAP
Run 100m backwards
10 T2B
Run 100m
10 HRPUs
Strength/Skill: Pull-up work/ring work and sled pushes
WOD: 12 min AMRAP
5 strict presses (95/65)
10 back squats
15 bent over rows
20 DB lunges (40/30)
Open WOD 17.4
13 min AMRAP
55 deadlifts (225/155) (135/95)
55 wallballs (20/14) (20/10 – both to the 9′)
55 calorie row
Strength/Skill: EMOTM for 10 mins 1 clean and jerk and 2 push presses (75-80%)
WOD: 12 min AMRAP
5 Front Squats
20 DUs
10 K2E
Strength/Skill: 1 RM Push Jerk
WOD: 10 min AMRAP
Wallballs (20/14)
Inrease reps by 3 each round 3,6,9,12,15, etc.
Sting’s 17.2
12 min AMRAP
2 rounds of:
10 weighted walking lunges (RX 40/30) (Scaled 35/20)
16 toes to bar (rx) knee raises (scaled)
8 power cleans
Then 2 rounds of
10 weighted walking lunges
16 pull-ups (Rx) HRPU to dumbbell (scaled)
8 power cleans
Alternate between 2 rounds of T2B/Knee raises and 2 rounds of Pull-ups/HRPUs for the duration of the 12 minutes.
Strength/Skill: 3 rounds of 6 turkish get-ups and 10 floor wipers
WOD: 5 min AMRAP
10 ring rows
20 DUs
Rest 2 mins
5 min AMRAP
30 lateral jumps
20 sit-ups
Strength/Skill: 3 rounds of 10 reverse OH lunges and 20 GHD sit-ups
WOD: “Almost Cindy”
12 min AMRAP
5 C2B pull-ups
10 HRPUs
15 Squats
Strength/Skill: 1RM Back Squat
WOD: Valentine’s Day Partner WOD
15 min AMRAP
Run 200m with wallball (20/14)
20 partner wallballs
20 partner wallball sit-ups
20 partner wallball squats
Strength/Skill: Push Press 5 x 5 at 80% of your 1RM
WOD: 16 min “leg burn” AMRAP
5 OHS (115/75)
10 back squats
20 walking lunges
30 air squats