Strength/Skill: EMOTM for 12 mins 1 squat clean, 1 hang clean, 1 split jerk (70/80% of lowest lift)
WOD: 10 min AMRAP
5 DL
10 K2E
25 DUs
Strength/Skill: EMOTM for 12 mins 1 squat clean, 1 hang clean, 1 split jerk (70/80% of lowest lift)
WOD: 10 min AMRAP
5 DL
10 K2E
25 DUs
Strength/Skill: 1RM Clean and Jerk or work on technique
WOD: Partner WOD for 12 mins
Alternate Rounds
5 inch worms
Row 10 calories
15 Lateral Jumps
Strength/Skill: 3 rounds of 50 air squats, 25, sit-ups, 10 back ext.
WOD: “Hope WOD”
3 rounds
1 min Burpees
1 min Power Snatch
1 min Box Jumps
1 min Thrusters
1 min C2B
Rest 1 min
Strength/Skill: 5 x 3 bench press and 30 second ring hold between sets
WOD: Row 500m
30 hang cleans (115/75)
30 front squats
50 DUs
10 OHS
10 jerks
Row 250m
Strength/Skill: 3 bear complex series (5 rounds of DL, HC, Thruster, BS, Push Press without putting the bar down)
WOD: EMOTM for 10 mins
10 K2E
10 Push Ups
*scale to have of each if needed
Strength/Skill: 1RM Hang Squat Clean
WOD: EMOTM for 10 mins
5 Wallballs (20/14)
5 Thrusters (95/65)
Strength/Skill: EMOTM for 15 mins 1 power clean, 2 front squats and 1 jerk
100m run
20 DUs
20 Mountain Climbers
Strength/Skill: 3 rounds of 3 wall walks 10 front rack lunges
WOD: Row 15 calories
30 Back Squats (135/85)
10 Pull-ups
Row 10 Calories
20 Clean and Jerks
10 Pull-Ups
Row 15 Calories
10 Thrusters
10 Pull-Ups
Strength/Skill: 1-1-1-1-1 Squat Cleans
20 DB push presses (40/30)
15 Front Squats (135/85)
10 DB Burpees
Strength/Skill: 3 rounds of 10 strict pull ups 1 min squat hold with a KB and 15 wallballs (20/14)
WOD: “Elizabeth”
Power Cleans (135/95)
Ring Dips