Strength/Skill: 5×3 hang power snatches and 10 DB bent over rows between
Mins 0-3 Row 15/10 calories
Rest 1 min
Mins 5-8 15 KBS 70/53
Rest 1 min
Mins 10-13 10 burpees
Strength/Skill: 5×3 hang power snatches and 10 DB bent over rows between
Mins 0-3 Row 15/10 calories
Rest 1 min
Mins 5-8 15 KBS 70/53
Rest 1 min
Mins 10-13 10 burpees
Strength/Skill: OHS 5-3-3-2-1
WOD: Death by Calorie Row
min 1 – 2 calories
min 2 – 4 calories
min 3 – 6 calories
Keep adding 2 calories every minute until failure
Strength/Skill: 3 rounds of 10 ring dips and 10 GHD back extensions
WOD: 5 rounds
1 min row/bike for calories
1 min alternating DB snatches
1 min wallballs
Rest 1 min
Strength/Skill: 3-3-3-3-3 strict press (increase weight for a 3RM)
WOD: EMOTM for 12 mins
Even Row 15/10 calories
ODD 10 T2B (scale to 5 or knee raises)
Strength/Skill: 5 x 5 bench press and 10 ab roll outs
WOD: Row 500-400-300-200-100
You must try to stop the rower as close to those numbers as possible any meters over the numbers are burpees. So if you row 506 the first round that is 6 burpees.
Strength/Skill: 5-5-5-5 Bench Press and 10 GHD back extensions between
WOD: 3 rounds
5 mins to row 500m
Run 400m
Max DUs
Rest 2 mins
Strength/Skill: 5-4-3-2-1 Deadlifts and 20 abmat sit-ups between sets
WOD: 2 rounds
5 rounds of Cindy (5 pull-ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats)
50 DUs
500m row
Strength/Skill: 3 rounds of 10 taters, 10 KB strict presses, and 10 ring dips
WOD: 3 rounds
1 min tire flips
1 min row for calories
1 min mountain climbers
Strength/Skill: 3 rounds of 5 ring muscles ups and 15 ring knee ups
WOD: Jackie
1000m row
50 thrusters (45/35)
30 pull-ups
Strength/Skill: Work up to a 3RM front squat
WOD: Row 1000m
50 squats
40 push ups
30 sit ups
40 push ups
50 squats