Strength/Skill: 3 rounds of 10 bar on back step ups and 20 GHD sit ups
Run 400m
8 power snatches (115/75)
20 front squats
2 wall walks
Strength/Skill: 3 rounds of 10 bar on back step ups and 20 GHD sit ups
Run 400m
8 power snatches (115/75)
20 front squats
2 wall walks
Strength/Skill: 1RM push press
Run 200m
20 ab ball twists (30/20)
Run 200m
20 GHD Sit-ups
Run 200m
20 K2E
Strength/Skill: 4 rounds of 10 SDHP, 20 GHD Sit-ups and 30 second handstand hold
WOD: 50 DUs
20 Box Jump Overs
10 Burpees
Run 200m
10 Box Jumps Overs
20 Burpees
50 DUs
20 Box Jumps Overs
10 Burpees
Strength/Skill: 3 rounds of 25 ab ball twists and 5 strict pull ups
WOD: EMOTM for 15 mins
0,3,6,9,12 – 10 GHD Sit-ups
1,4,7,10,13 – 5 ring dips
2,5,8,11,14 – 5 HSPUs