WOD: Filthy 50
50 Box jump (24/20)
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings (53/35)
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press (45/35)
50 Back extensions
50 Wall balls (20/15) pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders
Tag: knees to elbows
WOD for October 2, 2018
Strength/Skill: 3 rounds of 15 ring push ups and 20 box step ups
WOD: 20 Min Partner AMRAP
5 burpees
8 K2E
10 box jumps (24/20)
*alternate rounds for 20 mins
WOD for July 18, 2018
Strength/Skill: Ring work (muscle ups, dips, push ups)
WOD: 21-15-9-15-21
Jumping Lunges
*complete 21 sit ups between each round
WOD for January 15, 2018
Strength/Skill: 3 bear complex series (5 rounds of DL, HC, Thruster, BS, Push Press without putting the bar down)
WOD: EMOTM for 10 mins
10 K2E
10 Push Ups
*scale to have of each if needed
WOD for January 9, 2018
Strength/Skill: 3 rounds of 10 DB snatches, 15 GHD Sit-ups and 30 sec high plank
WOD: 50 DUs then:
4 rounds
10 front squats (115/75)
10 K2E
WOD for December 15, 2017
Strength/Skill: 3 rounds of 6 turkish get ups (3 each arm) and 20 goblet squats.
WOD: 3 rounds of
10 KBS
10 K2E
Then 50 DUs
3 round of
15 Push Jerks
5 ring dips
WOD for November 27, 2017
WOD: Scott’s Filty 51
51 Box jump (24/20)
51 Jumping pull-ups
51 Kettlebell swings (53/35)
Walking Lunge, 51 steps
51 Knees to elbows
51 Push press (45/35)
51 Back extensions
51 Wall ball shots (20/14)
51 Burpees
51 Double unders
WOD for November 14, 2017
Strength/Skill: 3 rounds of bar bent over lateral rows and 10 ab roll outs
10 K2E
15 DB Jerks (40/30)
20 DB lunges
WOD for October 4, 2017
Strength/Skill: 3 rounds of 20 bent over KB rows and 25 GHD sit-ups
Run 400m
20 one arm KB swings (53/35)
20 K2E
WOD for August 2, 2017
WOD: Filty Fifty
*scale as needed (cut reps)
*40 min time cap