Strength/Skill: 3 rounds of 25 KBS (as heavy as possible) and 10 seated good mornings
12 Backsquats (135/95)
12 Shoulder to Overhead
40 DUs (80 singles)
Strength/Skill: 3 rounds of 25 KBS (as heavy as possible) and 10 seated good mornings
12 Backsquats (135/95)
12 Shoulder to Overhead
40 DUs (80 singles)
Strength/Skill: Tempo backsquats 5×3 and 30 seconds of hollow rocks between sets
5 ring push ups
15 sit ups
20 walking lunges
*18 min time cap
*scale ring push ups to elevated rings or regular push ups
Strength/Skill: 5×5 push press and 10 DB bent over rows between
WOD: 21-15-9
Ring Dips
Push Press (135/95)
Strength/Skill: 4×8 push press and 5 YTWs after each set
WOD: For Time
30 shoulder to overhead (95/65)
30 pull-ups
Run 400m
20 Shoulder to overhead (115/85)
20 Pull-Ups
Run 400m
10 shoulder to overhead (135/105)
10 C2B pull-ups
Strength/Skill: 5×5 jerks from rack and 6 single leg squats off box each leg
WOD: 5 min AMRAP
10 ring dips
20 abmat sit ups
Rest 2 mins
6 min AMRAP
10 pull-ups
10 pistols
10 GHD back extensions
Strength/Skill: Jerks 5-5-5 then 3010 tempo strict press 15-12-10 reps
WOD: 10 min AMRAP
7 T2B
7 Pull-ups
7 Ring Dips
Skill/Strength: 3-3-3-3-3 Clean and Jerks (increase weight to a heavy set of 3)
50 air squats
40 sit ups
30 GHD back extensions
20 ring dips
10 T2B
Row 200m
Strength/Skill: Strict shoulder press 5 x 3 and 5 skull crushers between sets
4 Pistols
6 Burpees
8 GHD Sit-ups
10 Plank Up Downs
Strength/Skill: 3 rounds of 2 rope climbs and DU practice (learn DUs)
In honor of Petty Officer 1st Class Jeff Taylor, 30, of Little Creek, VA, who was killed in Afghanistan June 28, 2005. “JT” was CrossFit’s very first hero WOD. The workout was originally posted on their website as the workout of the day for Wednesday, July 6, 2005
Ring Dips
Push Ups
Strength/Skill: 3 rounds of 10 bulgarian split squats and 10 DB push presses
WOD: 18 min AMRAP
9 squat clean thrusters (135/95) (95/65)
15 ring dips
21 sit-ups
Run 100m