Strength/Skill: Snatches (full squat) 5-3-3-2-1
WOD: Every 2 mins for 10 rounds (20 mins)
15 burpee box jumps overs
*scale down reps as needed
Strength/Skill: Snatches (full squat) 5-3-3-2-1
WOD: Every 2 mins for 10 rounds (20 mins)
15 burpee box jumps overs
*scale down reps as needed
WOD: 3 rounds
20 DB snatches (50/35)
Run 400m
Rest 2 mins
After round 3 rest total of 5 mins
10 Back Squats (155/105)
25 DUs
Row 250m
Rest 2 mins
Then 3 rounds
5 pull ups
10 pistols
15 v-ups
Strength/Skill: 10-15 minutes of snatch and OHS work
20 push ups
30 air squats
2 rope climbs
Run 200m
Every 2 mins for 10 mins
7 burpees
7 wallballs (20/14)
7 power snatches (start at 55% and increase each round)
Rest 3 mins
Every 2 min for 10 mins
8 calorie row
16 jump squats
2 power clean and jerks (start at 55% and increase each round)
Rest 3 min
Every 2 mins for 10 min
20 goblet squats min 1
Mountain climbers full minute 2
Strength/Skill: 3 rounds of 10 partner wallball side throws (standing) and 5 tire flips
WOD: EMOM for 12 mins
Even: 2 power snatches and 2 hang power snatches
Odd: 15 slam balls (30/20)
WOD: 3 rounds
10 backsquats (60-70-% of max)
Run 400m
Rest 2 mins
Rest an additional 3 minutes (5 minutes total)
3 rounds
20 DB/KB snatches (50/35)
Row or Bike 1 min
1 min DUs
Rest 2 mins
3 rounds
7 snatches @ 65%
1 min box jumps
1 min DUs
Rest 2 mins
Rest and additional 3 minutes then:
3 rounds
20 russian KBS
Run 400m
Rest 2 mins
Strength/Skill: 5×3 snatches and 10 ring rows between
10 C2B Pull-Ups
Run 200m
20 DUs
Strength/Skill: 6×6 shoulder press and 5 paralette pass throughs between sets
WOD: EMOM for 12 mins
2 power snatches
2 hang power snatches
Strength/Skill: 3 rounds of 10 GHD Sit-ups and 2 wall walks
WOD: 3 rounds
5 power snatches (@75% of max)
Run 300m
1 min max burpees
Rest 2 mins
Rest Additional 3 minutes
3 rounds:
20 front rack lunges (135/95)
Row 1 min
Rest 1 min