Strength/Skill: 15 mins snatch balance work and OHS from rack
50 thrusters (75/55)
50 DUs
50 push presses
50 DUs
50 back squats
Strength/Skill: 15 mins snatch balance work and OHS from rack
50 thrusters (75/55)
50 DUs
50 push presses
50 DUs
50 back squats
Strength/Skill: 3 rounds of 10 heavy goblet squats and 10 seated dumbbell presses
WOD: For time
100 Burpees
Completing 2 strict pull-ups EMOM (every minute on the minute)
*Scaled is 2 jumping chest to bar pull-ups or 5 GHD sit-ups EMOM
Skill/Strength: EMOTM for 12 mins 1 clean and jerk to back and two back squats
WOD: 12 min AMRAP
5 body blasters
15 DUs
5 hang cleans (155/115)
Strength/Skill: 3 rounds of 20 DB squat cleans and 10 ring dips
20 DB snatches (10 each arm 30/20)
30 KBS (53/35)
30 Squats
Strength/Skill: 5-5-3-3-1 Shoulder Press
WOD: Partner WOD
Row 5000m (switch as needed)
Score is DUs completed during the row
Name: Peter ‘Guns’ Kallos (or Peter “Short shorts” Kallos)
Age: 38
Occupation: Software Developer
Previous workout/exercise history before starting CrossFit? Some weightlifting, rollerblading, brazilian jiu jitsu
CrossFitting Since: January 2013
How did you learn about CrossFit Sting? My wife had already been a member for a month or so and was harassing me to join. I figured if she could do it and come back unharmed I should give it a shot.
Was it love at first WOD? I didn’t die. And I enjoyed some of it, so I came back to not die some more. And now I enjoy more of it. (Peter is acutally super strong and jumps on the box with the softest jump I have ever seen. I think he has springs in those calves.)
Favorite WOD or movements? Cleans and Snatches. There’s a combination of skill/strength/luck/breakfast that goes into it that is fun and always keeps it a mystery. (You forgot to mention how much you love AMRAPs. That stands for “as many rounds as possible”. Peter is a big fan of those since you can work at whatever pace you would like instead of having to finish a certain amount of work to be finished.)
Least favorite WOD or Movements? For movements, that would be Thrusters or Burpees or anything repeated an excessive amount of time, like 100. For WOD, that will be “Air Force”. I will turn around and leave if I come in and see that on the whiteboard. (Hey that one is only 20 reps of a movement before moving on to the next movement. We will be sure to program that very soon for you.)
Favorite CrossFit Sting moment? Every time I’m done exercising when I get to lay on the floor like a fat beached seal and roll around in front of the fan.
Why do you CrossFit? To survive past my 50’s. Someone once told me that there’s old people, and there’s fat people, but there’s no fat old people. And looking around, I believe they are correct. My health had gotten pretty bad, with continual doctor visits, surgeries, procedures for things that in hindsight were avoidable/unnecessary if I had lost weight and started eating healthier sooner. It’s also entertaining. I get bored easily, so I can’t really stick to any non-interactive type of exercise like a regular gym membership.
Tell us something new about you that we don’t already know? Oh, I think you probably know it all already. (Besides being a comedian and having one of the biggest hearts, Peter (and his wife Emily, are talented photographers. They have a photography business on top of their full time jobs and they do AMAZING work. Be sure to check them out at
Name: Heather Morris
Age: 37
Occupation: Labor and Delivery RN (Heather was actually the RN for one of our members’ delivery! Some crazy girl was determined to delivery naturally 🙂 )
Previous workout/exercise history before starting CrossFit? Not much. A few classes at the gym. Some bike riding. Nothing to get excited about.
CrossFitting Since: I think Oct or Nov 2013
How did you learn about CrossFit Sting? Kara Schramm. We worked together and she used to show me pictures. I thought no way! Then someone else talked me into going to an intro class. (The interesting thing was that Heather came in with about 3 other co-workers. She may have struggled the most at the beginning but she has been the ONLY one that has stuck around. I love your commitment!)
Was it love at first WOD? NO!!! I struggled and realized I was not in shape at all. But, I also new I wanted to come back for more.
Favorite WOD or movements? Double unders. I’m not great at them but they make me smile (You should be very proud of this. For those that do not know a double under is when you jump rope and the rope passes under you two times in one jump. There are many experienced CrossFitters that cannot do DUs.).
Least favorite WOD or Movements? BURPEES and wall balls. And that’s all I have to say about that. (Heather forgot to mention that not only does she HATE burpees but she seems to always pick the days to come with burpees. She never checks the WOD before she comes in so she never cherry picks. Also, her schedule only allows her to come a few days a week and inevitably there is always some type of burpee.)
Favorite CrossFit Sting moment? It was one of my first WODs after signing up. 5 rounds of I don’t even know. And of course Burpees. I was at the end. About 10 Burpees to go and I couldn’t even push myself off the floor. My arms were Jello. I wanted to give up and almost did. The girls in the class cheered me on and gave words of support. And then, Cammie stood beside and said lets do this together. She did every last Burpee by my side and didn’t let me give up. When I finished, I cried. I knew I had found my place. (I remember this so clearly too and it is, in fact, one of my favorite moments at CrossFit Sting too. This is what it is all about, people encouraging and supporting each other no matter if you’re slow or fast, beginner or veteran.)
Why do you CrossFit? To turn my life around. Be healthy and strong. Many people told me I couldn’t do it because I’m not an athlete. We’ll at Crossfit, I feel like an athlete. (Never listen to those other people and never listen to that little voice in your head that says, “stop” or “you can’t do this.” You ARE and athlete for sure.)
Tell us something new about you that we don’t already know? Some already know this. I’m doing a half Iron Man in October. One year ago I couldn’t run a mile. Now, I’m going to check this off my list. (Awesome, so proud of you and your Sting family will be cheering you along the way.)
Name: Tammy Hart
Age: 34
Occupation: Daycare owner (Tammy owns a Discovery Point daycare, so if you’re in need of child care check them out. It’s on Highway 9 near Midway on the Alpharetta/Cumming border.)
Previous workout/exercise history before starting CrossFit? Very typical spin classes and boot camps. I realized when I was at the YMCA and went from spin to boot camp then needed to do weights something needed to change. People looked at me like I was crazy for actually wanting to get a good workout in. I had heard of CrossFit while I lived in South Carolina and really wanted to try it but never really looked into it.
CrossFitting Since: July 2013
How did you learn about CrossFit Sting? I saw how much fun Joe was having on all of his Facebook posts. Especially when he survived Murph!!!!! I knew I had to try it. (Hmmm….I am not sure Joe would classify his experience as fun, right Joe? However, thanks for the PR and showing Tammy what CrossFit is all about.)
Was it love at first WOD? No!!!! I thought I was in great shape but I wasn’t. I’ve come a long way and want a lot more. (Don’t let Tammy fool you she did great in her intro and first few weeks. But of course, CrossFit can be tailored to anyone’s fitness level.)
Favorite WOD or movements? Hero WODs and EMOTM. The longer the WOD the better.
Least favorite WOD or Movements? Farmer carries and T2B
Favorite CrossFit Sting moment? When I learned how to kip watching Jessica in front of me during a WOD.
Describe your experience here. I absolutely love being apart of the hive. You get out of it what you put in. You can work out anywhere but it’s very special when you find somewhere that you actually want to be and people that care about you. (We are glad you found us. Yes, another benefit to CrossFit is the community of people that develops that becomes like a family and also holds you accountable to put your health as a priority.)
Why do you CrossFit? I could never go back to a traditional gym. If I did I would still do whatever CrossFit moves they would allow. I’ve never been in better shape. I love the constantly varied moves, I’ll never get bored.
Tell us something new about you that we don’t already know? My husband and I have been married for 11 years. He was forced into CrossFit after seeing how much I loved it. Now he’s just as addicted as I am. Our three children love it also. I know my neighbors think I’m crazy as I have them doing drills in the yard and they’re asking for more with smiles on the they’re faces. (New nickname, Drill Sargent Tammy? Seriously though this is one fit family and we love having ALL of you in our programs. Tammy’s kids are regulars in our kids classes and did both camps this summer.)