
WOD for March 24, 2020

Warm Up:
1-2 mins cardio (run, bike, jump rope, jumping jacks)
Then 3 rounds
5 burpees
10 box jumps (or step ups or high squat jumps)
10 push presses (empty bar, broom stick, light DBs)
10 hang cleans (empty bar, broom stick, light DBs)

Skill/Strength: 5x5 push presses (hold DBs or other objects in each
hand and press overhead) complete a 100m sprint between sets
or 30 seconds of FAST high knees

21-15-9 (or 21-15-9-15-21)
Power Cleans (95/65) or use DBs or lift an object ground to shoulders
Box Jumps (find a STURDY object to jump on or step up on a chair)
Toes To Bar (v-ups)

* if you have minimum weights and are doing step ups I
recommend doing 21-15-9-15-21 to get a better workout in.
Get creative with the power cleans. A homemade sandbag
can be used or a heavy bag of dog food, a small child!?
Whatever you have to use!