
WOD for March 30, 2020

Warm up:
200m run or (90 seconds cardio of choice)
Then 3x
10 PVC pass throughs (use broom stick, towel, etc)
10 Wide grasp PVC shoulder presses (broom stick, etc)
10 PVC overhead squats (use broom stick, towel etc)
15 mins to complete 3-5 rounds of
15 barbell (or DB) bicep curls
15 barbell (or DB) bent over rows

WOD: 15 min AMRAP
15 pull ups (table pull ups below or scale down to push ups)
10 OHS (use towel as shown above or 1 arm DB or KB
200m run (or 90 seconds cardio - jumping jacks, jumps rope, etc)