
WOD for November 16, 2022

15 mins to establish a heavy set of
1 power clean
1 hang power clean
1 hand squat clean

WOD: Death by S2O
Every 2 mins x 10 rounds (20 mins)
2 S2O + 12 DU
4 S2O + 14 DU
6 S2O + 16 DU
8 S2O + 18 DU
10 S2O + 20 DU
12 S2O + 22 DU
14 S2O + 24 DU
16 S2O + 26 DU
18 S2O + 28 DU
20 S2O + 30 DU

95/65 weights

Record the last round you are successful but if you fail before the 20 mins drop reps and continue to work during each 2 min cycle.