Strength/Skill: 3 rounds of 15 GHD sit-ups, 10 SDHP, 20 second hollow hold
WOD: 3min, 6 min, 9 min AMRAP
20 burpees over the bar
25 wallballs
30 push jerks (95/65)
40 DUs
50 squats
Rest 1 min between AMRAPS
Strength/Skill: 3 rounds of 15 GHD sit-ups, 10 SDHP, 20 second hollow hold
WOD: 3min, 6 min, 9 min AMRAP
20 burpees over the bar
25 wallballs
30 push jerks (95/65)
40 DUs
50 squats
Rest 1 min between AMRAPS